Favorite Haiku

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Mount Fuji From Mizukubo (1932) print in high resolution by Hiroaki Takahashi. Original from The Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.

Over the years, I’ve collected some haiku poems that speak to me personally. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

On nature

Wind lifting
the quail tracks
with the snow.

Nasira Alma

Turning off the radio
to listen.

Ernest J. Berry

Late afternoon.
The porch icicle
lit from within.

Ernest J. Berry

Drip by drip,
the moonlight lengthens
in the icicle.

David Cobb

First snow.
The neglected yard
now perfect.

Elizabeth St. Jacques

The old pond.
A frog jumps in.
The sound of water.


What is this sound
in the evening wind
as summer overlong lingers?


A fish, a leaf,
a moment
in the river.


Spring thaw —
one small carp
hides in the shallows.


From my sagebrush bed,
the sky’s vault vast –
beyond it, vaster still.


On relationships

A bitter rain.
Two silences beneath
the one umbrella.

Geoffrey Daniel

Morning dew.
No hiding the way
we’ve come.

Jim Kacian

Wall Street gym.
Junior execs
run in place.

Anthony J. Pupello

Hand in hand,
both of us kicking
the same stone.

Charles Scanzello

Medieval town –
to the worn steps
I add my own.

George Swede

My neighbor
has more.

Carl Patrick

On loss

How many times
did I tell him to be quiet —
child in coffin.

Charles D Nethaway Jr

My father
losing his memory — asks me
not to forget him.

Michael Ketchek

Suddenly I realize
I’ve already crossed
the scenic bridge.

D.W. Parry
My opinions & views expressed may not reflect my employer's.

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