
Accessibility Jumpstart 3: The Law

Welcome to part 3 of the Accessibility Jumpstart series. In part 1, we discussed what accessibility is. In part 2, we covered WCAG, the standards used for evaluating compliance. Today, we’ll be discussing which countries mandate what and some of the other issues seen in the US. The laws by country While the W3C generally […]

Accessibility Jumpstart 2: Standards

Greetings, and welcome to part 2 of a series to help jumpstart your understanding of web accessibility. If you haven’t read part 1 yet, we covered what web accessibility is and addressed some of the misconceptions around it. This time we will be providing a brief overview of the standards governing web accessibility globally. What’s […]

Free Section 508 eBook

I recently needed to spend some more in-depth time with the USA’s section 508 document, but since the 508 content layout itself isn’t that nice to read, I’ve decided to convert the HTML content to an EPUB and MOBI file, so I could read it on my Kindle. Generated from the live content on […]