Uncommon Design Tokens

If you’ve worked on design systems at all, more than likely you’ve heard of design tokens. If you haven’t heard of design tokens, they are the essence of what makes your system feel unique, often stored as variables in some sort of tech-agnostic format like JSON. Even this site uses a form of design tokens […]

Bento Break 11 – June 24, 2021

Bento Break 11 is here at last! Industry standards, CSS system colors, nice branding, and some artwork from me! I am a bit rusty, and it needed to be simple for embroidery. Used Affinity Design for the first time, and instantly fell in love with it. Very impressed, highly recommended. Top 1000 Sites’ Fonts The […]

Mac Apps I Can’t Live Without

Like many designers, I really enjoy using my Mac and tweaking it with nice little time-saving apps. Because I also use a Windows machine for heavy design work, it’s important my environments have similar tooling. Here are a few apps I use that are indispensable and bridge that gap. Design tools Affinity Photo and Affinity […]

Bento Break 10 – June 18, 2021

Boom! Bento Break 10 coming at you. CSS Tricks has had a ton of great content recently, so every article cited is from there. And as usual some great artwork from around the web. “Sticky” comes to tables Oh thank goodness. Finally. Blank is not _Blank These A targets are different Better disabled buttons Improved […]

Bento Break 9 – June 11, 2021

Breaking news, it’s Bento Break 9 broskis! Accessibility, AI, collaboration, and some slick colorwork. AI and Accessibility Thoughts on re-designing AI. Dynamic Accessible Name Issues Adrian Roselli covers some interesting gotchas. Secrets of Sustained Collaboration These work very well.

New CSS Hacks to Target Safari

While trying to create a new scalable way to support Dynamic Type on iOS devices, I ran into a snag where it also affected Desktop Safari font sizes. After playing around, I came up with what I believe to be new Safari and iOS CSS targeting hacks. /* iOS browsers */ @supports(font:-apple-system-body) and (-webkit-touch-callout:default){}   […]